Financial Literacy and Health By Bridge McBride Part 1:
Are you a Contemporary Entrepreneur? By Brian Perkins, MBA Part 1:
For most, money and finances have always played either a vital or controversial role in one's life. Several situations are stimulated by the presence or absence of money. Money is said to be the deciding factor in how one is treated for health issues, judicial situations, and relationships. The lack of money can be the stimulant for the stress experienced in the lives of many. During the current economic environment of job loss, increased prices, outsourcing of jobs to other countries, lack of manufacturing industry and loss of homes, stress is the cause of many chronic health conditions experienced by many people. Stress manifests itself in many variations in one's body. Some examples are cancer, GERD, high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, etc. In today's climate, unwise financial decisions can and will create additional stressors that affect one's health. Not only are financial climates important to afford adequate health care costs, foods, healthy activities and relaxation, it generates peace and wellbeing. Money, itself, is not the value for this peace - just a tool. Do not place unnecessary importance or value in money. There are several with little money who possess extreme happiness and peace. When one's environment is not balanced, stress becomes a dominant player. When stress overwhelms your life, many illnesses and disorders can manifest. Now is the time to observe one’s own health and stress levels in relations to money. How is stress impacting your health? What are some ways to find balance?
History of Entrepreneurship When you think of the word
entrepreneurship , what comes to your mind? This is a question to ponder because entrepreneurship could mean different things to many people around the world. Most people will sum up entrepreneurship as simple as turning an idea into a profitable business. Well, that may be close to the target, but it is not the bull's-eye target. In this series, I will provide an introduction to entrepreneurship and the characteristics of a contemporary entrepreneur. The history of entrepreneurship dates back to from 1680 to 1734 in the writings of an Irish-born banker Richard Cantillion. Mr. Cantillion first introduced the concept of entrepreneurship as an economic connotation and the entrepreneur role in economic development. Today, entrepreneurship continues to emerge as the leading economic force in countries around the world, and small businesses contribute to the unparalleled rise in entrepreneurship. However, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It is not because people do not possess a dream and vision, but contrary to what people think, the core reason is that some people do not understand the concept of entrepreneurship. Part 2 will discuss the core concept of entrepreneurship.
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