The MVET Way CEMN Newsletter and team will provide hope , wisdom , resources , success training , and the opportunity to obtain wealth ...
How would you feel if you could step into the light and stop being fearful and frustrated? Wouldn't it be wonderful if your money was working for you to create the abundance of time and peace of mind that you're craving? What if you could get in control of your finances so you could have the resources to not only purchase that which you both need and want, but have the time to pursue your life's most cherished dreams and aspirations? What if you had enough time and money to develop worthwhile employment for others, to have the freedom to spend time in warm associations with family and friends and be of service to others, and to experience the ultimate thrill of having adequate funds to be able to give generously to those in need? "We all deserve incredible, fulfilling lives. Success is possible for everyone! If you have a financial spirit but just don't have the know how to start a successful revenue stream program, The MVET Way CEMN newsletter is designed to give you the tools you need to create your life as you intend to live."
Enjoy this incredible newsletter and start designing your life today!
Mr. C… President and CEO
Hello MVET Way CEMN Members,
This is Rodney “That Mindset Coach.”
My specialty involves dealing with the correct mindset for success in every area of your life, not just motivation or positive affirmation, but going on a deeper level - subconscious/cellular level. As a graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, I am a certified hypnotherapist. I have completed training in the following disciplines: Handwriting Analysis, Rapid and Instant Induction, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), and Psychological Kinesiology (PSYCH -K).
Institute (HMI) a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, I am a certified hypnotherapist. I have completed training in the following disciplines: Handwriting Analysis, Rapid and Instant Induction, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), and Psychological Kinesiology (PSYCH -K).
With MVET ( M ind V ision E nergy T echnology), everything starts in the mind. So let’s begin at the starting point. We all have one mind comprised of two areas working simultaneously, the conscious and subconscious. The research of John G. Kappas, PhD., M.F.T., and founder of HMI, has demonstrated that the conscious mind – makes up only 12% of our total mind. The other 88% is subconscious.
Conscious mind thinks abstract, past and present focused, short-term memory, limited processing capacity approx. 2,000 bits of information per second. Just a few task at a time.
Subconscious mind thinks literally, present time only focused, long-term memory, Expanded processing capacity approx. 4 billion bits of information per second. Handles thousands of task simultaneously.
The power of the subconscious mind is truly awesome. The logic, reason, and willpower of the conscious mind fall by the wayside when the subconscious asserts its authority over our beliefs and behavior. Let’s take a look at the how these two areas of our one mind work which is known as “Theory of Mind” in the diagram. We all learn through identification and association. We then have a response, and those responses are then recorded in our subconscious as knowns/unknowns . They can be positive or negative.
For example, you may have had a loving experience with dogs growing up as a child, and I had a bad experience with dogs growing up. So now when you see a dog, you instantly think back on your loving experience, and I, on my bad experiences. These are our subconscious knowns that have been emotionalized to become our belief.
Do you believe the subconscious mind controls your life? In Part 2 we will continue to discover and uncover the secrets of our mind.
Barry Menser
By Barry Menser
Welcome to the World of Financial Education and Consumer Reporting Resources.
This initial introduction will cover the world of consumer credit and reporting of consumer credit. Some of the categories and companies may be familiar to you, and some may be unknown. Later, in other informational documents. We will explore business credit reporting agencies; but for now, the area of discussion will be consumer reporting companies. We will start with those companies that you may have encountered as you experienced everyday life. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you as a consumer, can request a free credit report every 12 months and receive a consumer report from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, the three largest providers of consumer reports. Information provided in the big three reports contain: *Your repayment history submitted by credit card companies, home and auto lenders, leasing companies, and other creditors. *How much credit you have been approved for.
*How much credit you have used.
*Data from debt collectors and buyers of debt including medical debt (medical debt inclusion is under review). *Public record information such as bankruptcies, short sales, liens, and judgments.
Additional sources of consumer reporting companies include:
Employment screening.
Tenant screening.
Check and bank screening. Personal property insurance.
Low-income and subprime. Supplementary Reports.
The Community Empowerment Network and the MVET Way offers tools and resources to help you better understand what is on your report and offer the solutions to improve your score to accomplish your dreams, whether it is to purchase a home, a car, or start a business.
Part 2 will continue to discuss additional consumer categories.
Boost Your Credit Score in 2016 By Craig Buchan
Part 1: I focus on cutting debt, building savings, and banks behaving badly. Have you resolved to improve your credit score in 2016? We might dislike FICO, but the financial system still largely depends on upon those three digits. If your goal is a higher credit score, here are five tips to help you get there. Tip #1: Bring, and keep, your open accounts current. The most important part of your FICO score is a history of on-time payments. If an account becomes 30 days past due, you can lose a lot of points. It is much more important to bring and keep open accounts current than to handle old collection items of closed accounts. Tip #2: Reduce your credit card utilization. Utilization is defined as the percentage of your available credit that you are using. To calculate your utilization, divide your statement balances by your credit limits. If you have $10,000 of available credit and have a $1,000 balance, your utilization rate is 10%. According to data from Experian Decision Analytics , people with the best credit scores (above 780) have a utilization rate of 5.6%. How are you managing your accounts? What is your utilization rate?
Part 2 will continue with tips to boost your credit score.
By Debra Day CEO Women Inspiring Women
Part 1
I strongly believe we need more women entrepreneurs in the world, and over the course of my next three (3) articles, I will share articles that reflect and clarify my commitment and personal drive for women to achieve their due positions in the world of entrepreneurship. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I have worked in corporate over 30 years, which included a 15-year tenure at Country Wide Home Loans as a “Top Platinum” producing Account Executive. I also earned a listing in the Guinness Book of Records as a top producing banker and Vice President at JP Morgan Chase Bank for five years. Today, I am the founder of Women Inspiring Women to Change, Inc., and serve as the Executive Director and CEO. I have seen many women taken advantage of and get walked over. Although women make up nearly half the workforce, I have seen women get paid a lot less than men. On average, full-time working women only earn 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. This means women have less money for their families, less money for their savings, and less money for their RETIREMENT! It is time women take a stand and create a better future for themselves by learning how to become personal credit worthy and business credit worthy. We need to learn how to create income for ourselves and stop creating income for these huge organizations. The way to do that is entrepreneurship. By me learning how to become personal and business credit worthy and practicing, The MVET Way has allowed me to establish an eight bedroom, 15-home for homeless veteran women and homeless women in transition which is one of some of the many income generating revenues for my family and me. It’s critical that we learn how to incorporate multiple revenue streams of income for our future and our retirement.
Inside Story
Part 2 will cover “How Boosting Female Entrepreneurship Will Fuel Economic Growth”
Financial Literacy and Health By Bridge McBride Part 1:
Are you a Contemporary Entrepreneur? By Brian Perkins, MBA Part 1:
For most, money and finances have always played either a vital or controversial role in one's life. Several situations are stimulated by the presence or absence of money. Money is said to be the deciding factor in how one is treated for health issues, judicial situations, and relationships. The lack of money can be the stimulant for the stress experienced in the lives of many. During the current economic environment of job loss, increased prices, outsourcing of jobs to other countries, lack of manufacturing industry and loss of homes, stress is the cause of many chronic health conditions experienced by many people. Stress manifests itself in many variations in one's body. Some examples are cancer, GERD, high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, etc. In today's climate, unwise financial decisions can and will create additional stressors that affect one's health. Not only are financial climates important to afford adequate health care costs, foods, healthy activities and relaxation, it generates peace and wellbeing. Money, itself, is not the value for this peace - just a tool. Do not place unnecessary importance or value in money. There are several with little money who possess extreme happiness and peace. When one's environment is not balanced, stress becomes a dominant player. When stress overwhelms your life, many illnesses and disorders can manifest. Now is the time to observe one’s own health and stress levels in relations to money. How is stress impacting your health? What are some ways to find balance?
History of Entrepreneurship When you think of the word
entrepreneurship , what comes to your mind? This is a question to ponder because entrepreneurship could mean different things to many people around the world. Most people will sum up entrepreneurship as simple as turning an idea into a profitable business. Well, that may be close to the target, but it is not the bull's-eye target. In this series, I will provide an introduction to entrepreneurship and the characteristics of a contemporary entrepreneur. The history of entrepreneurship dates back to from 1680 to 1734 in the writings of an Irish-born banker Richard Cantillion. Mr. Cantillion first introduced the concept of entrepreneurship as an economic connotation and the entrepreneur role in economic development. Today, entrepreneurship continues to emerge as the leading economic force in countries around the world, and small businesses contribute to the unparalleled rise in entrepreneurship. However, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It is not because people do not possess a dream and vision, but contrary to what people think, the core reason is that some people do not understand the concept of entrepreneurship. Part 2 will discuss the core concept of entrepreneurship.
The Value of the “One-Quarter.” By Steve Smith Part 1:
Personal Story By Professor Harlin
Over a 29-year career in both conventional and financial education, one thing that has become increasingly apparent to me is how lightly many consumers take to paying an extra quarter – that is paying an additional half or three-quarters of a point when financing their homes, purchasing autos, securing loans, and obtaining credit cards. This nonchalant approach (that’s totally to a lending institution’s advantage) has been very detrimental to the overall financial health of many families. There are a wide array of predators looking to exploit uneducated consumers which place them in undesirable situations. In every lower-income area in the Metro- Atlanta area where I reside, corners are flooded with pawn shops, payday loan stores, and title pawn outlets. One particular acquaintance of mine took out a title loan of $5,000.00 on a vehicle she purchased four months earlier after an insurance settlement. While waiting for a subsequent annuity to cover the principle, she paid $995.00 per month to keep the loan current. She was paying more than 200% interest on that debt. She ended up paying $3700.00 in interest and penalties in less than four months. AND IT WAS LEGALLY STIPULATED IN THE CONTRACT. It’s no coincidence that when I venture into the middle of upper-class neighborhoods, I rarely see these businesses. Are lower-income areas targeted? I’ll let you draw your conclusion. I know for sure that the need for financial education at a young age is so important. The MVET Way Newsletter, as well as CEMN personal and business coaching, have become a great resource for that education. Part 2 will discuss decisions to consider in regards to credit cards and mortgages
Today, I saw an old client. This person had come to pick up the remnants of his belongings that had been left behind during his swift transition because of a lack of funding. The remnants where his personal belongings, enough to fill up the back of a pickup truck, easily. The old client showed up with a rolling green trashcan. The one your gardener would use to put cut grass and shrubs into. The trash can was dirty, filthy dirty. The old client was packing his belongings into this empty dirty trashcan, and it just saddened me as I watch this old client put about a fourth of his belongings into the trashcan and then roll it down the street to the new place of residency. I thought of this client's predicament. I reflected back to an earlier time when the relationship was much, much more. I remembered having encouraged this old client to get a driver's license amongst the many other attempts to help him move forward. I knew this client had a wife and young child and now another one on the way.
problems that you may not initially notice. In worst case scenarios there may be structural issues or damp, but in many cases, the property may just simply be overpriced. It is possible that if a house has been languishing on the property market, the owner may accept an amount that is lower than their asking price. 3. How did you decide on an asking price? An estate agent should be able to provide a good justification for the asking price that decided. You can decide whether or not you agree with this evaluation. Check the asking prices for other nearby houses that are for sale as this can give you a good idea of the average for the area. 4. What offers have the owners had so far? In the majority of cases, an estate agent will tell you if there have been other offers made but will not tell you how much they were. This can give you an idea of the popularity of the property and whether you need to make a more rapid decision. You may also want to ask what the seller's minimum price is, as a minimum negotiable price could save you a great deal of money. 5. Are there any important plans for the area? This is a question that you can answer by doing your research about the area, but it can also be useful to ask the estate agent for their opinion. You may not want to move to an area only to find that a local train or bus service is shutting down or that a local supermarket is planning on relocating. 6. Is the property listed? It is important to know whether a property is listed as this can affect what you can change about the house. Equally, if a property is in a conservation area, there may be other restrictions on what you can do. It would be disappointing to buy what you thought would be a 'fixer-upper' property only to discover that it was a listed building.
ARTICLE 1 Andrea Harlin
Six Questions You Should Ask an Estate Agent By Izzy Evans
I am recommending this article because it provides a step by step guide for purchasing and selling real estate. This article also lays out the process in a step by step easy to follow the course of action. This article covers how to interview an agent, to find out why the seller is selling their home, and negotiating the price. Please read this article and implement as you purchase and sell homes.
Part 1 Real Estate Questions to Ask When Buying and Selling Properties
Whether you are buying or selling, moving can be a stressful time, and it is highly important that you find the right estate ag ent. Going with your gut instinct about an estate agent can be useful. If you don't feel comfortable giving an agency your house to sell, then don't choose them. However, you should not go on gut instinct alone; make sure you ask questions as this can give you helpful insight and information about prospective agents. This article talks about six important questions you should ask a potential estate agent if you are buying a home. Why is the owner selling? This is a good starter question, and the answer should give you some insight into why the owner no longer wants their house. It may be that they have already bought another house, either in the UK or abroad. In these circumstances, the owner may want to sell their If You Are Buying: 1. included in the sale. You don't want to buy a house only to find later that the fixtures and fittings were not included. 2. How long has the property been on the market? If a house has been sitting on the property market for more than six months, there may be underlying house quickly so they can settle into their new property. You may also want to check what is
Part 2 will discuss real estate questions to ask when selling properties.
Daryl Mooney
Over the next five articles, we will be delving into the laws for creating the life you want and the life most people dream about. We will be exploring the Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Belief, The Law of Attraction, The Law of Action, and the Law of Courage. As the information is disclosed, my intention is, that you will apply them consciously into your daily lives and come closer to manifestation, closer to the abundant life to which you are entitled. The first law, we will concentrate on is the Law of Cause and Effect.
Part 1
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect says there is a reason for everything that happens. For every effect there is a cause, or more than one cause, whether we know it or not. Cause and effect mean if you can be clear about what you want, i.e., great health, awesome relationships, and financial freedom. You simply find one or more people who started with not having those things, then manifested their chosen reality. Then do what they did to get where they are. It is not a miracle. Success is not an accident. Failure is not an option if you do over and over again what successful people do. You too will be successful. It's the law ! I became a funny, conscious comedian by watching, studying, and learning from other conscious comedians. I am influenced by people like George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Eddie Griffith, Shang and of course, hands-on mentors like Dick Gregory and my father, Paul Mooney. From them, I learned how to mix reality truths with the funny. Any endeavor I delve into, rather it is public speaking, sacred sexuality, self-development, or wealth building, I find teachers, books, and seminars that resonate with me. I immerse myself into the information, practice, and execute what I learned, then get results. Learn the lessons, refine, and keep improving. You and I create cause by what we see visioning, affirming, immersing, finding role models, being action oriented, etc. In other words, focusing on what we want, whether we are conscious of the laws of cause and effect or not. That's how it works! You will get the results of positive cause and effect or negative cause and effect. Get conscious and become aware of the causes so you can control the effects. You are much more powerful than you know. Get conscious!
Coming up next, The Law of Belief
Dat Fire Jerk Restaurant
Hello. My name is Debra Day from Los Angeles CA.
I would like to thank the MVET WAY, Dream Vision Nation, and The Community Empowerment Movement Network Coaching Program for helping me increase my credit score 90 points in 60 days. I also had three (3) 30-day late payments removed & one (1) collection account removed.
Thank you for Empowering Communities
Brian Perkins, MBA, Long Beach CA
As a member of the Community Empowerment Movement Network (CEMN), I am really impressed with the services of the credit restoration services. When I started the program, I was recovering from the 2008 real estate collapse. I purchased investment property in Georgia, and two of my homes were foreclosed on due to the collapse. Well, after starting the CEMN program, I was able to get both foreclosures off my credit. Not only did I lose two homes at the time but I also lost my car due to a repossession. Just like the foreclosures, the repo came off as well. Now in the rebuilding stage, I have other collections deleted from my file and a public record cleared.
As of now, I have been able to purchase a new car with zero money down and now my scores are increasing. Thanks CEMN!
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