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Andrea Harlin, M.A.

Part 1 of 3

Six Questions You Should Ask an Estate Agent

By Izzy Evans

I am recommending this article because it provides a step by

step guide for purchasing and selling real estate. This article

also lays out the process in a step by step easy to follow the

course of action. This article covers how to interview an agent,

to find out why the seller is selling their home, and negotiating

the price. Please read this article and implement as you

purchase and sell homes.

Part 1 Real Estate Questions to Ask When Buying and

Selling Properties

Whether you are buying or selling, moving can be a stressful

time, and it is highly important that you find the right estate ag

ent. Going with your gut instinct about an estate agent can be

useful. If you don't feel comfortable giving an agency your

house to sell, then don't choose them. However, you should

not go on gut instinct alone; make sure you ask questions as

this can give you helpful insight and information about

prospective agents. This article talks about six important

questions you should ask a potential estate agent if you are

buying a home.

If You Are Buying:


Why is the owner selling?

This is a good starter question, and the answer should

give you some insight into why the owner no longer

wants their house. It may be that they have already

bought another house, either in the UK or abroad. In

these circumstances, the owner may want to sell their

house quickly so they can settle into their new

property. You may also want to check what is

included in the sale. You don't want to buy a house

only to find later that the fixtures and fittings were

not included.


How long has the property been on the market?

If a house has been sitting on the property market for

more than six months, there may be underlying

problems that you may not initially notice. In worst

case scenarios there may be structural issues or damp,

but in many cases, the property may just simply be

overpriced. It is possible that if a house has been

languishing on the property market, the owner may

accept an amount that is lower than their asking



How did you decide on an asking price?

An estate agent should be able to provide a good

justification for the asking price that decided. You

can decide whether or not you agree with this

evaluation. Check the asking prices for other nearby

houses that are for sale as this can give you a good

idea of the average for the area.


What offers have the owners had so far?

In the majority of cases, an estate agent will tell you

if there have been other offers made but will not tell

you how much they were. This can give you an idea

of the popularity of the property and whether you

need to make a more rapid decision. You may also

want to ask what the seller's minimum price is, as a

minimum negotiable price could save you a great

deal of money.


Are there any important plans for the area?

This is a question that you can answer by doing your

research about the area, but it can also be useful to

ask the estate agent for their opinion. You may not

want to move to an area only to find that a local train

or bus service is shutting down or that a local

supermarket is planning on relocating.


Is the property listed?

It is important to know whether a property is listed as

this can affect what you can change about the house.

Equally, if a property is in a conservation area, there

may be other restrictions on what you can do. It

would be disappointing to buy what you thought

would be a 'fixer-upper' property only to discover that

it was a listed building.

Part 2 will discuss real estate questions to ask when

