Daryl Mooney
Over the next five articles, we will be delving into the laws for creating
the life you want and the life most people dream about. We will be
exploring the Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Belief, The Law
of Attraction, The Law of Action, and the Law of Courage. As the
information is disclosed, my intention is, that you will apply them
consciously into your daily lives and come closer to manifestation,
closer to the abundant life to which you are entitled. The first law, we
will concentrate on is the Law of Cause and Effect.
Part 1 of 3
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect says there is a reason for everything that
happens. For every effect there is a cause, or more than one cause,
whether we know it or not. Cause and effect mean if you can be clear
about what you want, i.e., great health, awesome relationships, and
financial freedom. You simply find one or more people who started
with not having those things, then manifested their chosen reality.
Then do what they did to get where they are. It is not a miracle. Success
is not an accident. Failure is not an option if you do over and over again
what successful people do. You too will be successful. It's the
I became a funny, conscious comedian by watching, studying, and
learning from other conscious comedians. I am influenced by people
like George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Eddie Griffith, Shang and of course,
hands-on mentors like Dick Gregory and my father, Paul Mooney.
From them, I learned how to mix reality truths with the funny. Any
endeavor I delve into, rather it is public speaking, sacred sexuality,
self-development, or wealth building, I find teachers, books, and
seminars that resonate with me. I immerse myself into the
information, practice, and execute what I learned, then get results.
Learn the lessons, refine, and keep improving.
You and I create cause by what we see visioning, affirming,
immersing, finding role models, being action oriented, etc. In other
words, focusing on what we want, whether we are conscious of the
laws of cause and effect or not. That's how it works! You will get the
results of positive cause and effect or negative cause and effect. Get
conscious and become aware of the causes so you can control the
effects. You are much more powerful than you know. Get
Coming up next, Part 2 0f 3
The Law of Belief