Hello MVET Way CEMN Members,
This is Rodney “That Mindset Coach.”
My specialty involves dealing with the correct mindset for success in every area of your life, not just motivation or positive affirmation, but going on a deeper level - subconscious/cellular level. As a graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, I am a certified hypnotherapist. I have completed training in the following disciplines: Handwriting Analysis, Rapid and Instant Induction, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), and Psychological Kinesiology (PSYCH -K). With MVET ( M ind V ision E nergy T echnology), everything starts in the mind. So let’s begin at the starting point. We all have one mind comprised of two areas working simultaneously, the conscious and subconscious. The research of John G. Kappas, PhD., M.F.T., and founder of HMI, has demonstrated that the conscious mind – makes up only 12% of our total mind. The other 88% is subconscious
Conscious mind thinks abstract, past and present focused, short-term memory, limited processing capacity approx. 2,000 bits of information per second. Just a few task at a time.
Subconscious mind thinks literally, present time only focused, long-term memory, Expanded processing capacity approx. 4 billion bits of information per second. Handles thousands of task simultaneously.
The power of the subconscious mind is truly awesome. The logic, reason, and willpower of the conscious mind fall by the wayside when the subconscious asserts its authority over our beliefs and behavior. Let’s take a look at the how these two areas of our one mind work which is known as “Theory of Mind” in the diagram. We all learn through identification and association. We then have a response, and those responses are then recorded in our subconscious as knowns/unknowns . They can be positive or negative.
For example, you may have had a loving experience with dogs growing up as a child, and I had a bad experience with dogs growing up. So now when you see a dog, you instantly think back on your loving experience, and I, on my bad experiences. These are our subconscious knowns that have been emotionalized to become our belief.
Do you believe the subconscious mind controls your life? In Part 2 we will continue to discover and uncover the secrets of our mind.
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