Enim iriure accumsan epulae accumsan inhibeo dolore populus praesent. Molior vicis feugiat valetudo quadrum quidem nisl ea paulatim. Haero ut nutus accum san melior, plaga cogo esse lenis eum. Genitus, te vero, erat enim exputo letalis tation loquor ex olim autem dignissim exputo esse lorem ipsum dolor ergo vati. APPLICATION MANAGEMENT The MVET Way CEMN Newsletter and team will provide hope , wisdom , re- sources , success training , and the opportunity to obtain wealth ... How would you feel if you could step into the light and stop being fearful and frustrated? Wouldn't it be wonderful if your money was working for you to create the abundance of time and peace of ind that you're craving? What if you could get in control of your finances so you could have the re- sources to not only purchase that which you both need and want, but have the time to pursue your life's most cherished dreams and aspirations? What if you had enough time and money to develop worthwhile employ- ment for others, to have the freedom to spend time in warm associations with family and friends and be of service to others, and to experience the ultimate thrill of having adequate funds to be able to give generously to those in need? "We all deserve incredible, fulfilling lives. Success is possible for everyone! If you have a financial spirit but just don't have the know how to start a suc- cessful revenue stream program, The MVET Way CEMN newsletter is de- signed to give you the tools you need to create your life as you intend to live." Vulputate iaceo, volutpat eum mara ut accumsan nut. Aliquip exputo abluo, aliquam suscipit euismod te tristique volutpat immitto voco abbas minim olim eros. Ibidem molior, facilisi, qui, fere, paratus foras tation te neo eu, usitas. Torqueo, qui lorem ipso utinam immitto vero sino. Appellatio, rusticus decet amet allapa facilisis feugait typicus abbas ut valde. Ne nisl macto oppeto, et, velit esse foras sin aptentillum. • Mos ventosus feugiat blandit turpis vero abigo. • Mos in dolor, aliquip illum neo adipiscing iriure. • Autem verto illum cogo vulputate aliquam velos. • Consequat nostrud, pneum, ibidem ex. • Ullamcorper quibus, velit distineo oppeto. • Consectetuer refero ut nimis vulputate quadrum. • Delenit proprius foras patria vereor, duis facilisi.
Enjoy this incredible newsletter and start designing your life today!
Mr. C… President and CEO
simplifying IT
Vulputate iaceo, volutpat eum mara ut accumsan nut. Aliquip exputo abluo, aliquam suscipit euismod te tristique volutpat immitto voco abbas minim olim eros. Ibidem molior, facilisi, qui, fere, paratus foras tation te neo eu, usitas. Torqueo, qui lorem ipso utinam immitto vero sino. Appellatio, rusticus decet amet allapa facilisis feugait typicus abbas ut valde. Ne nisl macto oppeto, et, velit esse foras sin aptentillum.
Enim iriure accumsan epulae accumsan inhibeo dolore populus praesent. Molior vicis feugiat valetudo quadrum quidem nisl ea paulatim. Haero ut nutus accum san melior, plaga cogo esse lenis eum. Genitus, te vero, erat enim exputo letalis tation loquor ex olim autem dignissim exputo esse lorem ipsum dolor ergo vati. APPLICATION MANAGEMENT Vulputate iaceo, volutpat eum mara ut accumsan nut. Aliquip exputo abluo, aliquam suscipit euismod te tristique volutpat immitto voco abbas minim olim eros. Ibidem molior, facilisi, qui, fere, paratus foras tation te neo eu, usitas. Torqueo, qui lorem ipso utinam immitto vero sino. Appellatio, rusticus decet amet allapa facilisis feugait typicus abbas ut valde. Ne nisl macto oppeto, et, velit esse foras sin aptentillum.
Mos ventosus feugiat blandit turpis vero abigo.
Mos in dolor, aliquip illum neo adipiscing iriure.
Autem verto illum cogo vulputate aliquam velos.
Consequat nostrud, pneum, ibidem ex.
Ullamcorper quibus, velit distineo oppeto.
Consectetuer refero ut nimis vulputate quadrum.
Delenit proprius foras patria vereor, duis facilisi.
simplifying IT
The MVET Way… What is The MVET Way? The MVET Way is Thinking Things Into A Higher Level of Existence… The MVET Way is Everything Positive! It moves based on Educating, Motivating, Inspiring, Entertaining to Expected Manifestation! Mind, Vision, Belief, Faith and Positive Energy that it has happened!!
Once you Believe it has happened, then it has! Belief is what you see in your mind because it always works Before Actual manifestation! People who live the MVET WAY Live their belief every day.
THE MVET WAY presents.. Community Empowerment Movement Network (CEMN)
CEMN is a network of future and present entrepreneurs who have made it in their respective trades. Our goal is to provide resources, advice and key strategies for would-be business owners so that they too can join our circle of success. This ground-breaking educational forum is designed to provide an out-of-the-box, yet comprehensive approach to Personal Growth, Financial Education and Wealth Creation.
MVET/DVN/CEBU $10.00 down $10.00 month
Hello MVET Way CEMN Members, This is Rodney “That Mindset Coach.” Part 3 of 3
In Part 2 we underlined the functioning of the subconscious mind, as it records past experiences. These experiences are replayed continuously through our daily lives without being consciously aware. We will continue this discussion with article 3. It’s funny; we look at all this technology in awe, but we never step back to realize that the most powerful technology is that person you see when you look in a mirror! Think of your mind as being a
computer. Have you ever heard the saying “garbage in garbage out.”? That saying usually refers to information we input into our computers. Well, the saying also applies to your mind as well. Most of us want success now in our lives. However, we are running on an outdated program called past failures 1.0, can’t do it 2.0, and who do you think you are 4.0, which equals current conditions . Just like your Windows or Apple computers, you have to have the newest and latest operating system to use the software. So to achieve the success you desire, you have to install the proper mind software to achieve it. Having the proper mind software is where I, and The MVET Way, and Community Empowerment Movement Network (CEMN) comes in, and help coach you on how to reprogram your mind to receive the abundance of success in every area of your life. With each MVET Way CEMN Newsletter, monthly coaching sessions, and advanced training, we are confident you will receive the Knowledge with a Strategy to take advantage of our Resources and Tools to Execute the action needed to create Wealth for you and your family. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with each one of you.
Newsletter Title
Business Name Investing In the
Financial Markets
Volume 1, Issue 1
By: Jennifer Glick
Newsletter Date
Part I
The financial markets appear to be complicated, in fact too complicated for most individuals to participate in without a sound financial advi- sor. However, many people are taking their fi- nancial future into their hands by learning a few things that help them make better decisions re- garding their investments. Good financial advisors have their value, estate planning, planning for college for your children, retirement plans and more. However, most are not traders. Many have been taught to use mod- els to project investment outcomes in the finan- cial markets, and for years they have worked for the long term time frame. Not so much in mod- ern times, say for the past 17 years since 2000 stock market correction better known as the dot- com crash 17 years ago. In the 80’s and 90”s baby boomers were raising their children, putting them through school, spending money on housing, cars, toys, clothes, etc. driving the economy higher which in turn drove the banking system, business start-ups and real estate higher. Economist refers to the 90’s as the roaring 90’s markets seem to go straight up until bubbles began popping hitting the tech sector hard. The year 2000 began the 17-year long sideways market. In fact, only re- cently has the NASDAQ broke above 2000 high. It has given many market professionals hope that the 17-year long sideways market is over; but, only time will tell. We can expect extreme bullishness is moving forward if this sideways market is proven fin- ished. Bullishness means a new bull market, great opportunities for business start-ups and economic growth. Even traditional investment vehicles will work again for the long term time frame. However, now is not the time to take a chance investing in traditional slow retail invest- ment vehicles. The financial markets need to prove to us they will hold this breakout first. Technical analyst like myself, are trained to read charts of individual companies as well as major market indices. There are specific trading and investing rules that must to followed. At this very moment in time,
analysts are waiting to get confirmation of this bullish breakout in the major markets and indi- vidual stocks. If markets confirm, analysts will then get aggressive in the stock market putting on new investments in specific sectors ready for long term growth. It would be a thrilling time to participate in the financial markets. However, what if the major markets fail to give technical breakout signals? Markets could do this by moving lower back down into the 17-year long sideways market range. Then we have to be cautious and keep our investing short term. If technical levels break to the upside or downside, it is because we may see more erosion in the markets, and we will swing trade, invest in posi- tions for shorter time frames, no long term posi- tions. Once a major support level is considered broken, stocks will tend to get volatile and sell off in big moves down. We do not panic here, no not at all. Instead, we get aggressively trading the downside as these are rare opportunities to grow our portfolio investing funds in ways that allow us to make gains from the downside moves. In fact, since markets fall faster than they tend to move higher, we can make great returns quicker which investing in the downside. As a Retail Investor, your funds may be tied up into an investment vehicle that does not allow you to participate in downside investing. In other words, you may only be able to make money as markets move higher. Some investment vehi- cles for retail clients do not allow participating with options using them as protection for your stock and leverage. Many financial advisors do not understand the intricacy of using op- tions. Asking them too many questions about options can lead to them giving answers like “options are too risky” we do not use them. It is true, there is risk involved, but it is also true that retail clients have been left in the dark for years from participating in stock options. Options have been a nice little secret the wealthy have been using for years. Wouldn’t you like to have the ability to make money when stocks move up and down?
Don’t just Trade….
Trade to Win
The MVET Way
In Part 2 we will continue to discuss the fi- nancial markets.
Part 3 of 3
Welcome to the World of Financial Education and Consumer Reporting Resources
In article 2, we discussed other reports used to judge your creditworthiness and risk factors. These reports are utilized to determine if you are hired, how much interest you pay, and level of medical care, to name a few. In this arti- cle, by using the consumer report, you can analyze your financial picture and work towards a brighter future.
Let’s examine ways to use your financial resources better and reduce high- interest rates, utility deposits, large rental deposits, high-interest rates to pur- chase vehicles and homes.
Barry Menser, Financial Adviser C.F.P.
Do you pay your bills on time?
Do you pay only the minimum payment?
Do you carry large balances on your credit cards? What is your debt ratio? How long have you had credit? What type of credit do you have? (Credit cards, auto loan, mortgage, etc.) Our goal is to provide information that will cause you to think, react positively, and share any new knowledge with family, friends, and associates. We want to provide information that causes you to pause and examine how the various aspects of the financial world impact you on a daily basis. This information comes from our community to your community, and we work to assist you in making positive and financially rewarding life changes. Not just for today, tomorrow, or this year, but to make changes in the way that you un- derstand and use the information to empower future generations of your family and communities. Looking forward to receiving your questions and responses and sharing your thoughts on ways to further assist our readers in providing timely information and opportunities to understand the world of finance. Also, we encourage how to harness the power of our collective knowledge and shine the light of finan- cial knowledge and resources and change doubt and darkness into confi-
5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score By Craig Buchan
Credit scores are based on the data in your credit reports, and it’s incredibly important to make sure all of that information is accurate. If you have a mistake on your credit report, your credit score will reflect that error. It’s easy to check your credit reports from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. You’re entitled to a free copy, once a year, from all three of your credit reports under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. These reports are accessed via, the government-mandated site run by the major bureaus. Once you have your credit reports in hand, here’s a quick checklist of questions to ask yourself to help you spot potential errors: • Is all of your personal information accurate? (That can include your Social Security number, birth date, full name, and address.) • Are all of your credit accounts being report- ed? • Are there any late or missed payments listed that you remember on time? • Are there any accounts or applications for credit that you don’t recognize? • Are there any items from decades ago still appearing on your report? It helps to go through your credit reports with a highlighter and pick out any and all inconsist- encies. Keep in mind that a credit report from one bureau may have an error, while another may not. That’s why it’s so important to check all three of your credit reports for inaccuracies. You may find none, a few, or perhaps many errors on your reports. That’s where the next step to improving your credit comes in. In Part II we will continue discussing the next steps to improving your credit.
If you aren’t getting approved for credit cards or loans, or aren’t obtaining favorable rates for financing, you might need to make some improvements to your credit score. Doing that isn’t a particularly quick or simple pro- cess, but we have some tips that can help you along the way. How Can I Improve My Credit Score? As you begin the process of improving your credit score, keep in mind that it’s a mara- thon and not a sprint, but improving your score is worth the effort. A poor credit score can potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the course of a lifetime. It can also become a source of undue stress, mak- ing you feel like you just can’t leave the mis- takes of the past behind and move on. But, luckily, you’re not alone. Plenty of people struggle to improve their credit scores, and there are a lot of things you can do to build good credit — and reap the rewards that come along with a good credit score. Step one to improving your credit score is checking your credit reports. Each of us has three credit reports — one from each of the three (3) major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Credit reports can and very often have mistakes on them. A 2012 study from the Federal Trade Commis- sion found that 1-in-5 consumers had an er- ror on at least one of their credit reports. And a follow-up study in 2015, (by the Feder- al Trade Commission) found that those who reported an unresolved error on one of their reports believe that at least one piece of dis- puted information is still inaccurate. Make Sure Your Credit Reports Are Accu- rate
By Debra Day CEOWomen Inspiring Women Part 3 of 3
As mentioned in Part 2, "How Boosting Female Entrepreneurship Will Fuel Economic Growth," we need more women to participate in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurialism is so important because women can help boost the economy. We have the skills, the intellect, the experience, and the tenacity to win. When we decide to become personal credit worthy and business credit worthy our future will become even brighter. Because of the MVET Way and the Community Empowerment Movement Network, we have put millions of dollars into the community to help women start their own businesses. However getting them money is not nearly enough, you MUST LEARN HOW TO FAIL TO BECOME A SUCCESS. This article should inspire you on how to learn that.
Learn How to Fail, By Lisa Wirthman
Success stories are certainly inspiring—and there’s no shortage of Facebooks, Goggles, and Yahoos to fuel those tales. But many female entrepreneurs say one of the greatest factors in their success is learning about failure.
Here’s why: Female entrepreneurs are more likely than men to apply the lessons they’ve learned from past mistakes to their future ventures, the study reports. However, because women tend to take fewer risks than men, they also have fewer experiences with failure from which to learn. “Women tend to take failure a little more personally than men,” Robb says. It’s important for women to see that taking risks—even when they don’t pan out—is all part of the job description for entrepreneurs, she adds. “You’re going to get 90 no’s before you get ten yes’s, so it’s really important to see that errors and failures are just part of the process of launching and growing your business, Encourage Mentorship Women also need more role models to inspire them to start new companies—and take those companies to the next level. Mentorship is an important factor in an entrepreneur’s success, says Robb. A lack of women leaders to provide encouragement and advice can put female entrepreneurs at a disadvantage. “I think that showing women what is possible makes them realize they can dream big and achieve great things,” says Robb. Part of the solution is not only encouraging more women to start companies but also encouraging more women to become investors, adds Robb. Angel groups like Golden Seeds, Astia Angels, and the Pipeline Fellowship are helping more women prepare to be investors. At Golden Seeds, for example, female investors who want to back other women can access investment opportunities that are vetted by the organization’s angel network or take advantage of training that offer an overview of investing.
“There are some good signs that change is coming, but we want to see more change and we want to see a bigger change,” says Robb.
Part 4 will address closing the gap.
How Credit and Credit Repair Works By John Allen
Hello MVET
My intention with this article is to feed you and to give you baseline knowledge on how credit and credit repair works. There is so much more to tell you as we get going. I am very excited to work with you all. Our company's slogan is "Saving My Life by, Saving My Credit." If you need help with your credit situation, no matter what it is, we will have some answers and clarity for you. There are lots of reasons why your credit may be in rough shape. Most are related to your spending habits. So, for instance, if you missed a few payments or your debt levels are too high (think over 30% of your total available credit limits), you ’ll have to make some changes to improve your credit scores. And you may have to wait a bit to see an uptick. Most negative information can take up to seven years to age off of your credit report, though the effects on your score will lessen over time, so long as no new blemishes emerge. A recent Federal Trade Commission study found that 1 -in-5 consumers have an er- ror or derogatory issue on at least one of their credit reports. If you have items on your credit report that you don't recognize, then you may want to consider credit repair. The average person doesn't know : * How to read a credit report. * How to recognize key information affecting their credit report, good or bad. * How to fix an issue or get something done on their credit report. * How much balance they should hold on credit cards. (Balance to limit ratio). Saving My Credit will first pull your credit reports from each of the three major credit reporting agencies to pinpoint your credit issues. Why all three? Because each credit reporting agency has its unique “data furnish- ers” (aka lenders, credit card companies, debt collectors, etc.), who report your credit information to them. And there may be errors that appear on one of your credit reports, but don’t appear to the others. Once you identify those errors, you’ll then give Saving My Credit any supporting documentation you might have or need. For example, if there’s a bill on your credit report that your husband or wife was responsi- ble for under your divorce decree, you can use that document to prove it shouldn’t be impacting you. In some cases, it might be difficult to determine what to include as far as supporting documentation goes — that’s another way Saving My Credit can help you. For example, if you’re a victim of identity theft and a fraud- ulent account is appearing on your credit report, it can be tough to prove it isn’t yours since you naturally don’t have any documents relating to the account. Removing an item from your credit report is determined by the bureaus and data furnishers after receiving the dispute and supporting information and working with Saving My Credit. The major law dictating your rights when it comes to credit reporting is the Fair Credit Reporting Act, but it isn’t the only law on your side when it comes to credit repair. Saving My Credit will scrub questionable credit report items against other laws — like the Fair Credit Billing Act, which regulates original credi- tors; the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which oversees collection agencies; and others that address medical illness, military service, student With our professional help, you will have all these answers and more.
Financial Literacy and Health By Bridgett McBride
Part 3 of 3
Bridgett McBride, M.B.A.
In the second article we discussed the advantages of investing in a financial wellness/literacy coach who can guide you to better understanding of money, how to better manage it, and assist in balancing one’s en- vironment for a healthier life. Learning the mindset to attain financial literacy is an important step to leading a healthier life, both finan- cially, physically, and mentally. Look at the opportuni- ties around you, and determine what you want for your life. Here are few initial steps: *Envision your ideal life and put it on paper. *Develop a mindset that challenges your comfort zone and makes you uncomfortable. *Look at your needs versus your wants and make sure you know the difference between the two. Wealthy people don’t always look like the money, however, they have it to work for them instead of working to buy a look. Being cash broke is not attrac- tive, nor is it healthy. Investing in yourself is not pur- chasing expensive clothing, jewelry, shoes, purses, or big houses and cars; it is finding opportunities that al- low your money to work for you. Invest in your per- sonal development and spiritual growth. Watch the opportunities that become available to you. They may not be the exact source you may think. Be creative and explore different strategies and invest- ments. The return may surprise you.
Are you a Contemporary Entrepreneur?
By Brian Perkins, MBA
Brian Perkins, M.B.A.
Part 3 of 3
In the second article, we explored the core con- cept of entrepreneurship and the six-dimensional factors that are necessary to be a successful en- trepreneur. In this article, I will continue to ex- pound on those factors and challenge you to test your readiness. So what does it take to be a successful entrepre- neur? Well, it takes passion and a burning desire that exploits five personality characteristics:
Take my entrepreneur test first to see if you are ready to take the road to success.
Have you been tenacious despite failure? Are you a confident individual? How strong is your internal focus of control? Do you have the management of risk? Do you see changes as opportunities? Do you have tolerance for ambiguity? Do you take initiative and have a need for achievement Are you detail oriented and a perfectionist? Do you have a perception of passing the time?
Openness, Neuroticism.
Do you possess creativity?
Do you have the ability to see the big picture?
Do not let these big words fool you. If you add it all up, it will equal creativity, originality, and re- ceptiveness to a new experience. Furthermore, contemporary entrepreneurs evolve over time and before you enter the driver seat of entrepreneurship .
Do you have motivating factors?
Do you understand the concept of self-efficacy? Do you have a burning desire to succeed?
Make sure you stay tuned to the next series of entre- preneurship.
My Journey to a 700 Credit Score
By Steve Smith
My credit scores had lingered in the mid to high 500's for many years. Past mistakes, which would include (Student Loans, a foreclosure and a few store credit cards) hampered any efforts to obtain new credit and improve my situ- ation. The hesitation to apply for any- thing for fear of rejection was always omnipresent in my mind. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten that "you'll get a written response in the mail" when seeking instant approval at a de- partment store. Should I or shouldn't I? Will they or won't they? I know I'm not alone with this feeling and I sincerely seek to provide a solution. Various attempts were made to rectify my situation during this period. An in- vestment of a few thousand dollars was one of them. I was told that all 3 bu- reaus would be wiped clear of any negative items upon payment. Years later and nothing transpired. An- other attempt was with a letter writing campaign which over a 3 and a half year period removed a few items but my score never surpassed the 624 mark. Some improvement, but nothing of any significance. I can say without any hesi- tation that I spent several thousand dol- lars over that period of time as well. Never one to give up on this quest to im- prove my family's situation, I initiated a process which would only require an initial $91.97 per month to remove all negative items from my reports.
over 100 points. The MVET way and their credit referral source wiped eve- ry negative item off of my Experian and Transunion reports in less than a month. Everything was removed with the exception of 1 negative item from my Equifax report. After subsequent attempts, that item fell off months lat- er. That company was persistent, but the restoration process was more per- sistent!!!!! As a result of my new 700 score status, things that I never really considered transpired. My Auto Insurance rates were lowered. Open lines of credit I had open extended more credit to me. My mailbox is overflowing with pre- approved credit offers. But nothing is as good as the confidence I have when applying for something that had elud- ed me for so many years. That in and of itself is priceless. I also point out that all those offers are unopened for a reason. I want to always remain in the 700's and am careful no to over-extend myself ever again. In summary, I hope that some of the trials and travails that I've had for more than a 10 year period will never affect you. There is a great solution. Contact a MVET Way representative and initiate your process. $91.97 per month to recognize your dreams and visions is such a small price to pay for you to have the feeling I currently have. I wish this feeling on everyone who reads these words. God Bless and much success to you .
The results were amazing and I'm hap- py to report that my scores went up
A Solution By Professor Lenard Harlin, M.A.
Part 3 of 3
When exploring the concept and potential of changing communi- ties, one would do well to begin with our earliest of learners and continue throughout their educa- tional process There are important developmen- tal stages and circumstances that we must have an awareness of before going into any community. We need to foster an atmosphere of growth through knowledge to create effective financial change and security. One of the goals of Aaron Community Cultur- al Center is to continue our re- search and document the duplica- ble process of the MVET Way/ CEMN. One of their goals is “To empower communities of all races and financial background through personal growth, financial educa- tion, and wealth creation services” What they promote is: Knowledge, Strategy, Resources, Tools, Execution and Wealth. We are now on a journey to doing this work as well as documenting the process.
In my second article, I listed what I believe to be the top three skills; financial literacy, core issues, and critical thinking skills to be the keys to effective change of the community dynamics. The im- portance of targeting the above skill sets should be noted be- cause not all individuals are look- ing to higher education as their vehicle out of their communities; and also, there is the assumption that the education we receive will prepare us for dealing with financ- es. The current program being of- fered at MVET/CEMN (Mind, Vi- sion, Energy, Technology/ Community Empowerment Move- ment Network) is focusing its ef- forts and attention on the middle school age group and high- er. This is an important group to work with as they are literally up at bat next to do and be someone different from their environment.
Professor Lenard Harlin, MA Education, Spe- cialization in Early Education
Racial Wealth Gap Persists Despite Degree, Study Says - The New ...… study-says.html ..
Health Across America Tour By Dr. Douglas Markham
Executive Director Quality of Life Health Plan
Dr. Douglas Markham
Larry shared with me that he had been diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes and was taking the blood sugar-lowering medication Metformin (Glucophage) to control his blood sugar. As we continue in Part 3, I will share Larry's total health eating plan. I explained that my Total Health plan had helped many of my patients gain control over their blood sugar enabling many of them to go back to their physicians to re- duce and eliminate the need for Metfor- min (Glucophage). I told him that it would be an honor to help him. We made arrangements to meet and I developed a custom Total Health eating plan based on Larry’s body frame size just like the one’s offered in this book. Within several months of following the Total Health plan, Larry’s blood sugar was consistently testing lower and he was able to return to his physician to re- duce his blood sugar lowering medication Metformin (Glucophage). It was very exciting and a major honor to be part of helping a celebrity like Larry King gain control of his health along with reducing his need for prescription drugs, but it wasn’t until later when my wife and I were in attendance of his surprise 70 th birthday party at the Museum of Televi- sion and Film in Beverly Hills, California that I would truly understand the signifi- cance of our meeting as a guest on his show.
During the reception prior to Larry and his wife Shawn’s arrival, my wife and I were socializing when one of my all-time favor- ite comedians, Don Rickles approached me and said, “You look like a fine, clean- cut young man, you must be Mormon.” When I replied with a “no.” He looked at me with a puzzled look and said, “Are you Jewish?” and I replied with another “no.” He said, “Well if you are not Mor- mon or Jewish, what are you doing here?” (Larry King’s wife is Mormon and Larry is Jewish to understand the humor.) After laughing hysterically, my wife and I looked at each other and thought, yeah, what are we doing here in the presence of dozens of celebrities like Pricilla Pres- ley, Barbara Eden (I Dream of Genie), Linda Evans, Sharon Stone, Tony Rob- bins, Bill Maher, the late Marlon Brando and more ? When we turned our attention back to the overhead television monitor of Larry King’s 70 th Birthday Show on Larry King Live , the answer became crystal clear! We watched as Larry’s wife Shawn and their two sons, Chance and Canon, walked on to the set of Larry King Live for a surprise visit. Larry had no idea they were coming, and when I saw his face light up and the love in his eyes for his wife and children, I saw Larry King the loving husband and father, not Larry King the celebrity.
10 Surprising Facts About Entrepreneurs By Andrea Harlin, M.A.
Andrea Harlin, M.A.
Part 3 of 3
6. 59.7 percent of respondents indicated they had at least one child when they launched their first business, and 43.5 percent had two or more chil- dren. 7. The majority of the entrepreneurs in the sample were serial entrepreneurs. The average number of businesses launched by respondents was approxi- mately percent indicated desire to build wealth as an important motivation in becoming an entrepreneur. 8. Only 4.5 percent said the inability to find tradi- tional employment was an important factor in start- ing a business9. Entrepreneurs are usually better educated than their parents. Entrepreneurship doesn’t always run in the family. More than half (51.9 percent) of respondents were the first in their families to launch a business. 10. The majority of respondents (75.4 percent) had worked as employees at other companies for more than six years before launching their companies. Which of the above, surprises you the most, and alters your mental model of what entrepreneurs are like? Are you an entrepreneur? Ask yourself the follow- ing questions: What is your "Why?" What is your dream or vision? Write down your " Why? "
This is an article that is thought-provoking about being an entrepreneur, and assumptions that indi- viduals have about being an entrepreneur; insights on the average age of new or existing entrepre- neurs, and although it is great to start if you are un- der 35, the trending age for entrepreneurs is 40 years old. We all have images in our heads of what it looks like to be an average entrepreneur. Our guess would be that they’re pretty young (think Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) living in the ramen noodles lifestyle and working crazy numbers of hours, and often sleeping under their desk. In some ways, we are probably right — but for many, we are flat-out wrong. Entrepreneurship demonstrated by one of our favorite reports on en- trepreneurship (from a few years ago, but still rele- vant): Statistics cited from " Kauffman The Foun- dation of Entrepreneurship ." The 2009 report is ti- tled “The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur -Family Background and Motivation 2009” . It’s based on a survey of 549 company founders across a variety of industries (that was my first mistake, as it turns out entrepreneurs start companies other than Internet software companies — who knew?) 1. The average age of 40 was the medium age of company founders when they started their current companies. 2. 95.1 percent of respondents themselves had earned Bachelor’s degrees, and 47 percent had Master’s and above advanced degrees. 3. Less than 1 percent came from extremely rich or extremely poor backgrounds 4. 15.2% of founders had a sibling that previously started a business.5. 69.9 percent of respondents indicated they were married when they launched their first business. An additional 5.2 percent were divorced, separated, or widowed. 10 Surprising Facts About Entrepreneurs In any case, here are some of the points from the report that we found the most interesting.
Write down five goals you have, both personal and for your business.
Write down five ways you will celebrate staying on task to accomplishing those goals .
Are you a part of an Entrepreneur support group known as a Master Mind, or Boot Camp group? If you are not a part of a group, call 800.667.7695 and request information on our Chapter mastermind membership; $10 down and $10 per month. Find out how you can qualify for complimentary coaching sessions .
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When you think about, imagine, and visualize a positive, exciting outcome of whatever it is that you are doing, you create a force field of energy that attracts into your life, ideas, relation- ships, people, opportunities, money, and healing that help make your goal a reality. For Instance, when I desired a mate, and at the time I was dating three women, neither of them proved worthy, so I let them all go. I visualized and imagined my perfect mate, a dark skinned, sexy, pretty, conscious and cultural woman, and soon she came into my life. powerful. It is also neutral. If you think positive, constructive thoughts about your personal and financial goals, you attract into your life the resources nec- essary to achieve them. If you think destructive negative thoughts of fear and worry, you attract negative situa- tions and problems consistent with your thoughts. The choice is yours. We must also realize the Law of Attrac- tion is incomplete if you don't understand and practice The Law of Action coming up next. I had to let go of the good to attract the great. The law of attraction is very
In the second article, we visited about the Law of Belief. In this article (which many have heard of) we will expand on and break down the concept the Law of Attraction.
3.The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction (LOA, for the purpose of this article) was made pop- ular by a fantastic new-thought movie called "The Secret." The reality is LOA not new, nor is it a religion or cult movement although some treat it as such. LOA goes against what we have been taught that "opposites at- tract". When you think about it, LOA is "like attracts like." The Law of Attraction says that you are a living magnet. Your thoughts radiate out from you like energy waves and attract back into your life, people, and circumstances in harmony with those dominant thoughts. When you emo- tionalize a thought, with either desire or fear, you dramatically increase the vi- bration, the rate of vibration of that thought, and more rapidly attract into your life, circumstances in harmony with it.
MVET WAY Supporting – 16 Year Old Entrepreneur Nicole Nickens “Nimoni Apparel”
Dr. Douglas Markham Executive Director Quality of Life Health Plan 551-6255 (800) 382-5678
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MVET WAY - 16 Year Old Entrepreneur Nicole Nickens "The One Minute Pitch"
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DUPLICATION TO MILLIONS 2016 MVETWAY/ CEMN - John Allen - Teaching, Educating & Motivating
Elaine Lang/Volunteer Donna Middleton/ Editor Joyce Perkins/ Editor
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