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Article 2
We had to make a serious decision because we both wanted to be Michael Jordan and no one wanted to be Scottie Pippin, LOL.
We are Born to Overcome !!!
Whoopee, once you realize this, life becomes joyful.
We focused on some of the "moves" of someone that we both looked up to, Magic Johnson.
The inner victim is created to be conquered by the inner "victor." The heroic journey truly starts when you tap into that heroic energy, that champion within that says, ‘It's Winning Time”. Are we whiners or winners? We are in victim mindset when we feel that life is happening to us rather than our "victor" mindset that knows we are making life happen. I remember a time when my twin brother Dwayne and I were having a hard time performing and speaking together, getting in each other's way, cutting off each other's words, therefore, obstructing our thoughts. We thought of breaking up, but we knew that the creator made us twins for a reason, so we decided to make it work. We worked on giving each other room to talk and joke, worked on being in harmony with each other, watching other teams and other twins who worked together and we took the good and elim- inated the bad.
We both could be Magic and pass the joke, set each other up for the punch line, and give each other room to move and groove. We combined the philosophies of Magic and MJ and became two Magic Jordans. Both of us, able to assist and be the go-to twin, LOL. We overcame our blaming, frustration, and mediocri- ty. We became duo master communicaters. You have your obstacles, challenges, and problems to overcome. Life is full of challenges on so many levels. The polarity of the earth is a dimension of ease, and struggle. It's how you look at the struggle, challeng- es, and problems that make the difference. When facing road blocks, relax, go deep within, breath from the stomach, straighten up, hold your head up high, think and speak like a victor, and take assertive actions on the solutions you have imagined. Overcome yourself and see it as you want it then make it as you see it. Then pray-fully you will change that inner song that sings “I shall overcome some- day” to “I have overcome today.”
Victory must be your only option. It’s your choice.
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