10 Reasons on What Makes a Great Leader By Debra Day Part 2 “How Boosting Female Entrepreneurship Will Fuel Economic Growth
Debra Day CEO of Women Inspiring Women
In Part 1, I shared my thoughts and feelings on how important it is to encour- age and to have more women entrepreneur in our world and how critical it is, as a solution, to be personal credit worthy and business credit worthy. Work- ing within the MVET Way (Mind, Vision, Energy, and Technology) and the Community Empowerment Network, we have the tools and resources to meet these objectives. In this segment, I want to share this article on how boosting female entrepreneurship can fuel our economic growth.
[Forbes Magazine Published 02-19-2015]
How Boosting Female Entrepreneurship Will Fuel Economic Growth
By Lisa Wirthman
Want To Fuel Economic Growth? Support Female Entrepreneurs.
Encouraging more women-led startups can have an as much positive impact on U.S. economic growth as the entry of women into the labor force during the 20th century, according to a November 2014 report by the Kauffman Foundation, Sources of Economic Hope: Women’s Entrepreneurship. As more women entered the workforce over the last several decades and be- gan to outpace men in college degrees, they created huge economic gains for the U.S. economy. But many economists now say the 3 percent annual eco- nomic growth provided by these trends has slowed, and they estimate a long- term drop in 2 percent growth in years to come, according to the Kaufmann report. To boost growth, women may once again provide the answer. Although a third of U.S. businesses are women-owned, they tend to have less revenue and fewer employees. Women also account for less than 10 percent of found- ers of the high-growth firms. The silver lining is that women’s severe under- representation in entrepreneurship creates a huge opportunity for growth. “By having women participate in entrepreneurialism at higher rates, especially in the high-growth space, we can actually have a substantial impact on the economy in terms of revenue, in terms of payroll, and in terms of employ- ment,” said Alicia Robb, a senior fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and au- thor of the report . We should be encouraging the growth of female entrepreneurs and it’s im- portant to understand what’s holding women back.
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