By Barry Menser
Article 2 Welcome to the World of Financial Education and Con- sumer Reporting Resources These reports are utilized to determine if you are hired, how much interest you pay etc...The list Below only goes to show how your credit impacts your daily life. It is the pulse for your financial essence. Your character is based on this report whether you are looking for a job, renting, buying insurance, etc. This document is de- signed to provide a brief summary and sample of some of the information that was collected, packaged, and sold about your financial practices. Below are some examples of companies that fall into the additional consumer categories. This list is not meant to be a complete listing of companies, but it does provide samples. • Employment Screening- American DataBank and In- telliCorp. • Tenant Screening-Contemporary Information Corp (CIC) and CoreLogic SafeRent. • Check and Bank Screening-ChexSystems and TeleCheck Services. • Personal Property Insurance-C.L.U.E. Inc. (Personal Property & Auto Reports and Drivers History. • Medical-MIB, Inc. and Milliman IntelliScript. • Low-income and Subprime-Clarity Services and Fac- torTrust. • Supplementary Reports-CoreLogic Credco and Lex- isNexis Risk Solutions. • Utilities-National Consumer Telecom & Utilities Ex- change. • Retail-The Retail Equation. • Gaming-Certegy Gaming Services. They are as follows:
Barry Menser, Financial Adviser C.F.P. Barry Menser, Financial Adviser C.F.P.
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