By Rodney Nickens Part II
In Part 1, we discussed the powerful technique of mind gazing. In Part II we will examine potent effects of cur- sive handwriting. Cursive Handwriting The second simple yet powerful technique to communi- cate directly with your subconscious mind “the 88%” is cursive handwriting. Let’s take a look at what Psy- chology Today has to say about cursive handwriting
“William R. Klemm.Ph. D.
Next, let's take a look at the definition of another key- word, ideomotor. Ideomotor is a psychological phe- nomenon wherein a subject makes motions uncon- sciously. It bypasses the conscious mind and goes di- rectly to the 88% subconscious of the captain of the ship called YOU! Cursive handwriting is an ideomo- tor effect/action. So when writing your affirmations, write them in cursive. You may notice that as you are writing them, you are lightheaded or lose track of time because you have put yourself in a light hypnotic trance. Well, I’m going to leave you with these two simple yet powerful techniques to get the captain to steer your ship in the direction we call success for you! Congratu- lations on your success! In our next issue, we will be sharing with you on how sounds and colors affect the “88%” subconscious mind. The MVET Way and community Empowerment Movement Network comes in and helps coach you on how to reprogram to receive an abundance of success in every area of your life. With each MVET Way CEMN Newsletter, monthly coaching session, and ad- vance training, we are confident you will receive the Knowledge with a Strategy to take advantage of our Resources and Tools to Execute the action needed to create Wealth for you and your family. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with each one of you.
Why Writing by Hand Could Make You Smarter
Now, let’s look at the definition of a keyword Cognitive -of, relating to, be- ing, or involving conscious intellectual activity (as thinking, reasoning, or re- membering)
Scientists are discovering that learning cursive is an important tool for cognitive development, particularly in training the brain to learn “functional specialization” that is, the capacity for optimal effi- ciency. In the case of learning cursive writing, the brain develops a functional specialization that inte- grates both sensation, movement control, and thinking. Brain imaging studies reveal that multiple areas of the brain become co-activated during the learning of cur- sive writing of pseudo-letters, as opposed to typing or just visual practice. here is a spill-over benefit for thinking skills used in reading and writing. When writing legible cursive, we use fine motor control over the fingers. You have to pay attention and think about what and how you are doing it. You have to practice. Brain imaging studies show that cursive activates areas of the brain that do not participate in keyboarding.
Rodney “That Mindset Coach”
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