This is Rodney “That Mindset Coach”
I Hello MVET Way CEMN Members,
training in the following disciplines: Handwriting Analysis, Rapid and Instant Induction, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Psychological Kinesiology (PSYCH - K). MVET ( M ind V ision E nergy T echnology) everything starts in the Mind so let’s start at the star ting point We all have one mind comprised of two areas working simultaneously the conscious and subconscious. Research has demonstrated that the conscious mind – the part which is accessible to us during our waking hours – makes up only 12% of our total mind. The other 88% is subconscious, meaning we are not aware of its actions, or even its presence, under normal circumstances. Hence when you
consciously say I’m going to quit smoking as you take another puff of the cigarette that is just one example of the power of your subconscious mind. You have to believe that your subconscious controls your life or you will NEVER change your life.
to take this moment to congratulate you on your MVET Way CEMN Newsletter subscription, you will be learning from a diverse group of coaches/business educators. The MVET Way/CEMN/CEBU are dedicated to coaching you to get the correct K nowledge to use S trategies that help you take advantage of our R esources and T ools to E xecute in building W ealth for you and your family. My specialty is dealing in the correct mindset for success in every area of your life, not just motivation or positive affirmation but going on a deeper level subconscious/cellular level. As a Graduate of HMI a Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy, I am a certified hypnotherapist. I have completed
Rodney “That Mindset Coach”
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